O G Kush
Indica is one out of three species of the generic genius cannabis plant. The cannabis family includes sativa, indica, and rudaralis . Sativa plant are tall skinny with long leave and very lanky. Rudaralis plant does not flower based on season it would rather on plants maturity which might contain small amount of ThC. Sativa is an annual plant. Broad-leafed plannt from afghanistan , Northern Western India and Pakistan are tradition plants. Inica is where the best hash comes from. CBD testing by pharmacologist was resulted with a variety of people who sayd that they where stoned and a variety that said that they feel less of a high. The Plant referred to body buzz , reliefs pain treats anxiolytic abd insomnia and mental inebriation.
Strains of sativa has less chlorophyll and more pigment accessory.
Candy Kush |
African Gold Kush | | | |
Purple Haze Kush | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Bubble Gum Kush |
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